Consolidates years of expertise and lessons learned into one volume—a value-filled approach when compared to a bespoke professional writer, editor and consulting time and professional fees.
Gain Insight
Gain insight on what makes a successful Fellowship submission from two professionals who have been successfully guiding architects through the process for decades.
Writing Tips
Offers a compendium of writing tip dos and don’ts: an “on-ramp” acceleration lane to clean, clear writing.

“Illuminates and clarifies the Objects of AIA Fellowship to guide applicants in targeting and aligning strengths.”
Why Architect + Action = Result?
Provides How-To Tips
Provides insight on how to focus your professional writing on the actions and results of your work in architecture.
Insightful Diagrams
Includes insightful diagrams of schedule, steps and format of Fellowship submission process.
Story Telling
Gives your marketing team with lasting insight how to tell the stories of architectural projects.
Gets You Prepared
Presents your marketing team guidance on successfully preparing a submission to the AIA College of Fellows.
Buy e-Books
eBooks available through iBooks, Barnes & Noble and the site that supports blasting Jeff B. and his friends into space but where authors make less. For the eBook, consider purchasing printable versions of the book’s charts for A Fellowship Case Breakdown and the 12 Steps to Fellowship schedule. A new paperback edition is also available at through Jeff B. here. Note that under other sellers, r4 has copies ready to ship now for less.