Why write a book?

Do you ever say the same thing repeatedly in your work? I do in working with FAIA and other AIA award candidates. The good news is that every case, every architect, every artist and every individual I work with is different, which means the story is always changing. But I hate redundancy. I also love efficiency. What’s more efficient than sharing these basic thoughts, process and tasks via publication? 

So, want to kick start your understanding and preparation for AIA Fellowship? Here’s my overarching process, resources and a few rants in a guidebook format.

My colleague, collaborator, friend and ally in all things professional writing Michael LeFevre has aided this effort. A Fellow himself, a process guru and Managing Editor of Design Intelligence, Michael added critical insight, coaching and criticism. He’s also added diagrams used in his work chairing the AIA Fellows Committee in Georgia.

This book provides insight from two writers and advocates for achieving great stories (first) and Fellowship in the AIA College of Fellows (if that is your goal). 


AIA Fellows 2022


Exercise Your Creative Muscle