Take 5 minutes. Okay, 7.

Sit down, clear a space in front of you, grab a piece of paper and…

Create a list of all the reasons you became an architect or a designer or whatever your role is today. Give yourself at least a full five minutes. Spend time envisioning the “why” of what you do in terms of the future.

It’s not an usual endeavor for the creative mind. Here’s a few of my favorites:

How to Write, by David Ogilvy

Thelonious Monk’s Advice

A Love List, by Eero Saarinen

Cocktail! by F. Scott Fitzgerald (great way to learn your verb tenses…

This doesn’t need to be a study in how to write a book; it’s simply an invitation to take a few moments and remember the earliest origins of your career.


Exercise Your Creative Muscle


Try Another Muscle